Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Top Class Black Cab Tours

This week I decided to try and review a new company that does a lot of work around London, particularly East London.

Top Class Black Cab Tours are a taxi tour company that offer a variety of tours based on various themes.

For example:

- Harry Potter Film Location Tour
- Jack The Ripper Whitechapel Tour
- Haunted London Tour
- Historical London Tour
- Magical Mystery Tour
- London's Dark and Hidden Past

They also offer these as corporate events. For a price list please see their website.

Naturally I wanted one that was based in East London, so I tried the Jack The Ripper Whitechapel Taxi Tour. I have to say it was really, really good. Being interested (a bit of an expert) in the 'who done it' story of The Ripper, the knowledge of my 'cabbie' was astounding. If the other tours are as proficient as the one I was on, they are outstanding value and I would highly recommend them.

For more information call them on +44 (0) 20 8523 8555 or visit their website www.topclassblackcabtourslondon.co.uk.